2019 Four Nations Grand Masters Hockey Tournament

Aberdeen 24-26 May 2019

The 2019 Four Nations Grand Masters Hockey Tournament will, for the first time, include an Over 60 Tournament Trophy as well as full International tournaments in the Grand Masters (Over 60), Great Grand Masters (Over 65) and Senior Grand Masters (Over 70) age groups.

Participating nations are England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. England are the current champions in each of the international age groups and Ireland were runners up in both the Grand Masters and Great Grand Masters competitions held in Dublin in 2018. Ireland did not participate in the 2018 Senior Grand Masters tournament and Wales were runners up.

Teams representing the four nations will fight it out for the inaugural Four Nations Tournament Trophy. Scottish Thistles finished in the highest place of all the four nations (second) in the 2018 World Cup after overcoming England LX on penalties in the semi final.

Managers Briefing

Tournament Director Grace Mulholland has produced a Managers Briefing (PDF) telling you everything you need to know about the tournament and its organisation.


The main venue for the tournament is Countesswells Playing Fields, 233 Countesswells Rd, Aberdeen AB15 8AR, where there are two pitches, one water based and one sand dressed. Most matches will be played at Countesswells, where there is good parking and changing facilities. Food and drinks (including alchohol) will be on sale from Inspire Catering.

There are two other venues: the water based pitch at Aberdeen Sports Village Linksfield Rd, Aberdeen AB24 5RU and the sand dressed pitch at Rubislaw Playing Fields, Bayview Road South AB15 4YT. There is a cafe at Aberden Sports Village where you can buy food and non alcoholic drinks and if you want anything stronger, the Bobbin Mill on King Street (turn right from Linksfield Road) is recommended. There is no catering at Rubislaw Playing fields but after match drinks are available at the Aberdeen Grammar School FP Club on Queens Road, directly opposite the playing fields.

There will be a Civic Reception for over 300 guests hosted by Aberdeen City Council before the tournament dinner on Saturday 25 May in the Beach Ballroom, Beach Promenade, Aberdeen AB24 5NR. The Lord Provost of Aberdeen, Barney Crocket, will welcome participants and will attend the dinner.

transport information


Changing rooms will be available one hour before the first match on each day with the exception of Friday 24 May at Countesswells, when players in the Over 65 matches are advised to arrive changed by 15:30.

Friday 24 May

15:30 pitches available for practice

16:00 - 19:30 matches at all three venues

Saturday 25 May

10:00 - 17:30 all matches at Countesswells

19:00 Civic Reception at Beach Ballroom (dress code: smart casual)

20:00 - 23:00 tournament dinner at Beach Ballroom

Sunday 26 May

09:15 - 14:05 International matches at Countesswells and Tournament Trophy matches at Aberdeen Sports Village

14:15 closing ceremony at Countesswells

match schedule